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Business Models

Financial Literacy & Business Models For Online Coaches

Business Models
Written by: Sophie Kessner
The Sophie Kessner Podcast
The Sophie Kessner Podcast
Financial Literacy & Business Models For Online Coaches
All right, y’all welcome back to part two of the Financial Literacy and Business Model Conversation. So in the last episode, we went pretty deep into the conversation of revenue and knowing your numbers and figuring out your actual cost and living expenses and budgeting. So in this episode, i want to go a little bit deeper and continue that conversation so that we can bring everything full circle and unpack what kind of business models make sense for you, how to really set up your business in an equitable way, how to pay yourself an equitable salary, as well as having the conversation of knowing what kind of business models you want to be incorporating into your business, how you want to be marketing, how you want to be selling and how you want to essentially run your business. So, all that being said, let’s dive on in. I’m just going to adjust this briefly. There we go, okay, okay.
So if you’ve watched the last episode, if you haven’t, please go back and check it out, but if you have, by now you should have your numbers. You should know. Okay, these are my cost of living expenses. This is what I need to be earning as a bare minimum every single month to cover my cost of living. That is your owner’s pay. So you can go ahead and if you’re writing this out on a sheet, calculate that say okay, this is my owner’s pay every single month, this is what I need to be paying. Now, what you pay yourself for your living expenses is separate from what you are paying to run and operate the business. The other expenses that we want to look at are the actual business expenses. So these are things like the softwares that you pay for professional development, trainings that you’re doing, any type of marketing services that you use, whether it’s hiring copywriters, web designers, social media marketers, et cetera. All of those would be under business expenses And those are separate from your owner’s pay. So your owner’s pay is what you’re paying yourself And then your business expenses are what the business is also paying for on top of paying out your owner’s pay.
So in the last episode we kind of throw out some numbers here. We’re just going to work with what we’ve got. We’re going to say that our owner’s pay is $3,000 a month And then we’re going to say that the business expenses to run and operate the business whether for softwares, for VA, for team, for all of that is $1,000 per month. So right now, our total cost to operate the business on a monthly basis and pay ourselves is $4,000 per month. Now if we brought in $100,000 from the launch playing off with the model that we were talking about in the last episode, then that means our total annual cost for the business is $40,000. Actually, just kidding $48,000. 12 months, not 10. $48,000 is what the total cost is just to run the business, which means out of the $100,000 of revenue that we generated, we’re down to just over $52,000 of actual profit, which means the business profit was 52. The business profit margin was 52%. So again, not bad. But what we want to look at here is recognizing that what the business is profiting is not $100,000 of profit, that’s revenue. Then you have what the business actually profits after all of its expenses.
Now I find this conversation really important because I think when we’re looking at business models what we want to create and what we want to do there tends to be a lot of hype around the trendy model of creating a digital course or a group program that you then scale to the moon and you make millions and millions of dollars off of it. Now what’s not oftentimes disclosed when we’re looking at these business models is the actual cost of running and delivering that kind of program or service. And I think it’s important because if we don’t actually know what the cost is like how much is it actually going to cost you to have the team or the support or the systems or whatever it is that needs to be there then we can easily romanticize the idea of doing that and think that that’s what we want. So what we want to start to unpack when we’re looking at running a business and growing a business is if my current launch model that I’m doing I’m launching a group program let’s say, allocates the possibility for me to bring in a total potential earnings of $100,000 based off of the amount of I’m charging per person in my total client capacity meaning how many people can I actually support then we know that at the bare minimum, the business is going to be managing a 52% profit margin with that specific offer.
Now, what we were talking about in the last episode was if we don’t want to be solely dependent on an open cart, closed cart once a year type of business, because the repercussions of that on the what is the word I’m looking for or on the conservative side, is if, for whatever reason, we don’t hit the mark and we don’t hit our goal of the maximum of clients, then that means our business is at the potential risk of being at a loss for the year, and so we want to protect ourselves by saying, okay, great like this is one thing that I want to be doing, And I would like to ideally, optimally, have a sold out program every single year, but in the case that I don’t, i also want to make sure that I have another offer or another service that I can offer that is evergreen, meaning we’re rolling year round, people can purchase at any time, and that supplements the income depending on whether or not we were able to hit our revenue goal with with our launch. Now, this is something that can be really easily done, whether it’s through one to one services or ad hoc add ons or other things that you might offer, and personally, my approach with this is having a one to one service that is more of the baseline that my one to one services, where I generate the steady revenue to ensure that my cost of living is taken care of, and then the group program in that transitional process is additional revenue on top of that, so that I’m not 100% dependent and scrambling every month or every launch to try to hit all my revenue goals through the launch itself, but instead I’ve supplemented my income strategically And I know how many hours I need to be working with one to one clients and how many spaces I have for one to one clients to cover my cost of living so that I can go through the launch process without feeling like this really high pressure thing. Now that might feel like a lot of information for some of you. I know that this conversation of money and finances and structure and business models isn’t actually a common conversation had in the industry, unfortunately, but I think it’s really really crucial. Important because when we start to think about the business model that we’re building, we start to think about what we’re creating and what we’re developing, we can do it more intentionally and more strategically. Now here’s what I mean when I say that. And when we think about how we want to live our lives and how much we want to be spending time, money and energy on specific things in our lives, when we actually know what something costs, both from a time and energy perspective, then we can decide how much of it do we actually want to do, and this is a conversation of scaling.
So When we think about scaling, it tends to be a very overused term in the online space. That’s just about this idea of you just grow, grow, grow, grow, grow to infinite numbers until you hit multi-million dollars or seven or eight figures or whatever the new 20 word is. But the reality is that’s not necessarily what scaling is about. To build something to scale means to build something to the size in which it can be managed. It’s built to fit within the scope of the scale. It doesn’t mean we build it and build and build on, build beyond, because oftentimes what ends up happening is we tend to overbuild And a lot of times this is where we see implosion in folks’ businesses, because they are building for the sake of building versus building with intention to create a specific outcome.
The outcome is solely revenue generation versus looking at how do they want to be spending their time in the business, how do they want to be spending their time outside of the business, how much time do they want to be spending when it comes to business as a whole versus what other things are they doing inside of their lives to feel good and to feel great about what they’re doing. So, that being said, the next part of this process that I’m going to invite you into is getting clear on that for yourself. What are you doing the business for? Yes, the business is here to generate revenue and obviously do the work that you do. But the thing that we have to get clear about and create distinctions between is the business is there to be a service that you provide or a product that you provide that you deliver to the customer or the client that’s purchasing it? The business’s purpose is not to fill all of your deepest soul’s desires and meet all of your needs and make you feel amazing and great all the time. The sole purpose of the business is to provide a service or a product for the customer or client who is purchasing said service or product.
When we start to look at it through that lens, then we can start to remove a lot of the entanglements that come up around feeling bored with our business or feeling like it’s not as fun as it used to be or whatever. That is because our needs for fun and spontaneity and excitement and joy and creativity can be met in other ways that are not directly connected to our business, and this distinction is so, so, so, so important when we’re starting to untangle from a lot of the indoctrinations of the coaching industry specifically and any other type of personal development space. Your business is there to generate revenue and to deliver a service. Your sense of connection to you, connection to your life, feeling inspired and love, and whatever the things are, gets to come from other things outside of the business. And I feel like a lot of the times this gets really confused because we start to make decisions in the business based off of how we’re feeling in our personal lives and it can quickly become this really interesting thing where we’re making business decisions because we’re not feeling fully enlivened or connected in our personal lives, when that’s not actually a business issue. That’s a personal issue and we want to look at it as such. Yes, you want to feel good about the work you’re doing. Yes, you want to make sure that the work that you’re doing is within your scope of practice and that you enjoy it, and we want to make sure that we’re not trying to meet our need for new things or excitement or spontaneity or change through constantly changing the business model or need for self expression through the business. But we have that in other places and other spaces And this is also where, personally.
Again, these are just my opinions. These aren’t hard right or wrongs. Take what lands and leave what doesn’t. This is why I personally feel like having a personal brand can be tricky, because if your personal brand, if your personality is the brand, it can feel like you need to constantly be expressing and showing up in a certain way in order to grow the business, which can create a sense of codependency between your business and your personal life, and that’s why I have found over the years that it’s actually really helpful to have a business. That’s a separate thing from me, the person that I am, and that my personality, who I am, how I live my life, does not need to directly correlate with what the business or service does. This is also why, for me, i’ve developed different businesses and services so that I can express my different aspects of who I am and what I love and what I enjoy in different ways.
I have a business piece for doing the trauma work, which I really enjoy, but that’s not going to be something that I’m going to take in scale to multi millions, because it’s not ethical for me to do that, because the work is so deep, personalized and intimate. That’s something that is really the work that I enjoy doing on a one-to-one base and that’s always what it’s going to be. When I have things like working with numbers and doing agency work, i have my agency and I have a limit on the type of clients and projects that we take on per quarter, per month and per year so that I can have that sense of fulfillment there. But that doesn’t need to be the things that I’m scaling to multi millions. And then I have the program that I run with my business partner, which also meets a need where we get to have this really great group experience that I also really enjoy doing and that gets to be the thing that is more scalable in the sense that it has a lot more capacity for a lot more clients without it having to require so much time and energy for us because of the way that we’ve structured and set it up and priced it to make sure that that’s available and accessible for folks at all different stages and levels. So you can have diversity inside of your company and you can have diversity inside of the offerings that you’re doing.
And I think the biggest part is not setting yourself up for a situation where you’re dependent on a certain business piece or a business model to have to be the thing that meets all of your needs. It has to be the way that you express yourself and that you do all of the things. But instead you figure out what is the purpose of the product or the service in relationship to the problem that it’s solving for the client or customer that it’s for? And then you get to decide, okay, how does that work to best create the best result possible for that? And you do that for each product and each service and you figure out okay, how much time do I actually have and what’s the actual goal here For me and my personal life?
I’m not here trying to just make a ton of money and get to multi millions as quickly as possible. That’s not really the goal. My goal with the way that I run my business is I want to have projects that I really love and enjoy doing And I like to sink my teeth into things. So hence is why I have the agency. I also really enjoy doing deep, intimate work with clients and working on trauma and doing a lot of trauma resolution work. It’s the thing that feeds a different part of me that I’m like oh yes, we’re getting into some really meaningful stuff. Those things are there for my own need of a having fun projects that I enjoy doing, and then also like getting to do a little bit of my passion work, and then the group program gets to be its own little thing that meets a different need. So I share all of this because it’s important to reconcile with How are we setting up our businesses to support our lives And how are we differentiating between the business and our lives so that who we are outside of our business doesn’t feel like this empty, vacant hole where all we know ourselves as is the business owner, right. So we went on a little bit of a loop here, but I feel like this conversation is really, really important And what I’m going to leave you with for this episode is sitting down and getting really clear on how you want to be spending your time, on what it is you really want to be doing when it comes to your business and the services that you deliver, and how each of those services is meaning what specific results or problem that’s solving for the client, but also how your needs are being met inside of that and also how your needs are being met outside of the business.
So here are the questions for contemplation that I’ll invite you to reflect on as you now are discerning your numbers. One how much time do you actually want to be spending in and on your business on a weekly, monthly basis, meaning how many hours you actually want to be working, not just the time that you’re spending on calls, but the time they’re spending marketing, creative direction, financial planning, all the stuff that has to do with business. How much time do you actually want to be working in and on the business? When you know that, then it’s getting clear on okay, what’s going to be the model, the structure that’s going to support you living within the allocated time that you want to be spending, while also earning the revenue that you want to be earning, so that you can figure out the equitable pricing for your offers and for your services.
And then the second thing is going to be what are the other areas in your personal life, completely separate from the business, that you get to meet your needs for creative expression, for connection, for intimacy, for whatever it is that feels really, really important for you that does not have to directly do with the business, so that you can fill up your cup and you can feel like a whole human being and feel alive, and feel connected and feel on purpose, without having this sense of dependency, of it needing to happen through the business.
And what that does for us is it removes the pressure of needing to get the business to a certain place to where we can scale this thing.
Because the reality is, if we base our business and we base our needs off of having the business get to a certain place, our needs are always changing, our expression is always changing And so the business is always going to have to be changing, which means that the business is going to get to a place to where it never really has consistency because the constant change that happens with human evolution.
So if we can meet our needs for evolution and for growth and for personal development outside of the business, we get to evolve, but the business gets to be this beautiful thing that has consistency, that gets to grow to a place that feels manageable and scalable for how we want to live our lives, instead of scaling for the purpose of scaling. So have fun journaling and contemplating on these questions and on this conversation, just feeling into what’s coming up for you and what you’re, what you’re sitting with after this, what kind of questions are coming up? what are you contemplating now that you’re either unpacking or getting clear on or wanting more clarity on? and we will continue to deep dive into these pieces in future episodes. I cannot wait to see you there and I will see you very, very soon. Alright, y’all Bye.


In this power-packed episode, we continue our insightful conversation on financial literacy and business models, exploring how to set up your business model in an equitable way, pay yourself an equitable salary, and market and sell your product. Listen in as we discuss the importance of understanding the cost of running a business model to ensure we’re not over-romanticizing the idea and to protect ourselves if we don’t hit our goals. We also talk about the benefits of having an evergreen offer or service to keep your business running year-round.

We examine how to create boundaries between your business and personal life, avoiding feeling codependent on the business to meet our needs, and creating diversity within the company and its offerings. Join us as we discuss how we can have different businesses to express different aspects of ourselves, and how to set boundaries so that we are not dependent on a certain business model to meet all of our needs. Don’t miss our valuable tips on scaling without pressure, allowing the business to have consistency and grow in a way that feels manageable.

We’re picking up where we left off in Part 1: Financial Literacy and diving into how to apply your owner’s pay, business expenses, and profit/loss statements to your pricing, business structure and overall business model.


Depending on the type of business model you run, what the business generates in total sales and what you profit as the business owner can be very different numbers which is why it’s imperative for us to understand profitability and profit margins while also looking at the operational cost of a business model to decide what makes the most sense for you and the type of business and life you want to run.

Below is an estimate on the most popular business models in the online service based space:

One on One Private Coaching, Consulting or Mentorship

High profitability, low cost, high Client delivery Time

When you’re delivering a service like one on one coaching, you are the person who is showing up to the calls, sending the notes, and providing all of the support between sessions for your client which means, you are the biggest expense of the offer and what you are paying yourself to deliver each of the components of the service.

I invite all clients to first assess each deliverable that goes into a service and estimate the time they spend delivering each component of the offer on a weekly, monthly and general lifetime of the offer to help them better assess what their time estimates and hourly rate actually is.


12 week private coaching:

  • Weekly 60-minute zoom calls (12 hours total)
  • Time spent preparing for each call 20 minutes (4 hours total)
  • Time spent sending notes to the client after the call 30 minutes (6 hours total)
  • Time spent in email support or voxer support each week between calls 20 minutes (4 hours total)

Total time spent over the course of 12 weeks: 26 hours

If you’re charging $2,000 for all 12 weeks of coaching, you’re averaging a $77/hour pay rate before considering the cost of time spent marketing and on sales calls. (Total Cost of program / Total Hours Spent in Client Delivery = Hourly Rate)

Based on what you know your bare minimum income needs to be, we can better assess if the current offer structure (price and time spent delivering services) is scalable and make sense for your life.

In this case, we want to calculate the total hours per week for ONE private client (total hours spent delivering / total weeks = weekly hours) which is ~ 2 hours per week on client delivery for one client.

We take this number and look at the total time we have available for client delivery each week and each month, let’s average and say 10 hours per week for client delivery which means, we have the max capacity for 5 private clients at this rate while staying within our desired 10 hours for client delivery work.

This also means that we would max out at $10,000 in total revenue over the course of the 12 weeks OR roughly $3,334 in total revenue per month and wouldn’t be able to scale beyond this threshold unless we did one of three things:

  1. Increased the total cost of the service
  2. Decreased the time spent in client delivery mode so we can take on more clients
  3. Increased the number of hours we want to be working in client delivery mode each week

Alternatively, we can look at additional business models to incorporate into our practice that have higher scalability.

The Cohort Group Coaching Model

Medium-High Profitability, Low-Medium Cost, Low-Medium Client Delivery Time

This tends to be the natural alternative for a service provider who’s maxed out on private clients and takes their private practice into a one-to-many setting such as a group model. In this model, it allows the service provider to work with larger groups of people at one time instead of splitting their time amongst multiple clients.

Now, instead of spending ~2 hours per week PER client (10 hours total for 5 clients), the service provider now has the capacity to work with 5 clients in ~2 hours TOTAL per week freeing up more time for other activities OR increasing their capacity for more clients. The downfall to group programs in the decreased profit depending on how you want to scale which leads us to considering the layers:

Group programs are less personalized and tend to be priced lower than your private practice thus requiring you to have a higher volume (more clients) in order to hit the same revenue goals. The perceived trade-off in this model is the idea that you’ll have more time freedom because you’ll be supporting more clients in less time while generating a similar or higher income.


12 Week Group Coaching Program with a max capacity of 10 total clients

  • 12 weekly 2-hour GROUP Coaching calls (24 hours total)
  • Time spent preparing for each call 20 minutes (4 hours total)
  • Time spent sending notes to the clients after the call 30 minutes (6 hours total)
  • Time spent in email support or slack support each week between calls 20 minutes (4 hours total)

Total time spent over the course of 12 weeks: 38 hours

If you’re charging $1,000 for all 12 weeks of the group program PER PERSON, you’re averaging total potential earnings of $10,000 and an hourly rate of $263/hour pay rate before considering the cost of time spent marketing and on sales calls. (Total Cost of program / Total Hours Spent in Client Delivery = Hourly Rate)

In this case, we can see that the hourly rate you pay yourself IF/WHEN you have a FULL group, more than triples. This is because you’re working with more folks within that timeframe and having each of them pay equally.

Now the downside of this pricing structure is what’s required in order to hit your monthly revenue goals, is because we’ve priced the group program at 50% below the current rate of our 1:1 program, we’ll need to take on at least double the number of clients in order to hit the same income.

This means we’ll need to rely on higher volume to bring in MORE clients through greater marketing efforts.

Now if you want to scale your group program, we want to calculate based on the number of hours per week for the full group of 10 clients, by using the formula: Total hours / total weeks = ~3 hours per week for total time spent in client delivery per full cohort of 10 clients.

This means, if we only want to be working a total of 10 hours per week, we have the capacity to take on up to THREE different groups of 10 people at one time while operating within our desired 10-hour weekly client delivery time. This means, are potential earnings have gone from $10,000 total revenue for 12 weeks or $3,334 per month to instead, $30,000 total revenue for 12 weeks or the potential of $9,999 per month IF we have three FULL groups of ten clients in each group.

Of course, just based on numbers, this model sounds incredibly enticing EXCEPT for the fact that we have to consider the volume that’s required in order to fill up the group programs to the size we would want them to be for them to make sense, which means we’d need to spend more time focusing our time and energy on marketing and sales efforts to increase the number of clients we have enrolling at one time.


Hence, the fluctuation between being in marketing and sales mode then oscillates to client delivery mode in the predominant launch model that’s taught in the industry. Remember, no model is inherently bad, wrong, or evil. It’s about understanding the structure of the model and how that works with your personal life goals and the capacity you have available to deliver the service along with how you really want to be spending your time.

The pros of launching include the ability to generate your entire annual revenue within a small window of time, i.e. your launch. If you’re “launching” or enrolling students into your program over the course of 3-4 months, you only have to spend those 3-4 months out of the year actively marketing and selling and then can spend the next 12 weeks only focused on client delivery mode.

The cons happen when your launch goals aren’t met, and you end up falling short of your total earnings or not filling programs which can put you in a tricky predicament as you’re now having to find other ways to supplement revenue that wasn’t made within the 3-4 month launch window you may have had previously. Additionally, some folks may not fair well when having to regularly oscillate between being in “marketing mode” versus “client delivery mode” and find it stressful to have to move between each season with the added pressure of needing to make it all happen within a short period.


Counter to the launch model, evergreen does not operate in cyclical seasons but instead, is always open for enrollment with a set schedule of weekly and monthly calls that clients move in and out of. Again, this model may not be the best fit for certain types of programs or content but may be better for certain folks and how they structure their lives.

The pros of running your group as an Evergreen model instead of a Launch Model are the removal of time pressure and the need to generate all of your revenue within a small amount of time. By adjusting to an open cart approach, you’re able to focus on long-term marketing that is always enrolling for your program or service. This model also allows for you to be bringing in new sales every month and have more flexibility with your earnings.

The cons of an Evergreen model are the loss of the tight-knit group that often comes with a cohort that starts together and goes through the experience together with everyone moving at the same pace; for some folks, this is an essential component of the experience and may be part of the reasons they opt towards the launch model or cohort approach instead. Additionally, because there is no deadline on when someone needs to enroll by, it can create a lack of “urgency” for folks to purchase or enroll, which is where business owners will need to be more strategic about how they enroll and market their program.

The Self Study Course Model

High profitability, low cost, low client delivery time

This tends to be a popular choice for folks looking to scale a program or product through volume who have larger audiences. There are a few reasons why this model may not be best on it’s own though, including the fact that it needs time to build up a client base in order for the pricing and delivery of it to make sense but it’s MORE than possible to scale a self study course to be incredibly successful.

A self-study course often has zero to minimal deliverables since the course only needs to be created one time and is mass produced unless the business owner decides to include monthly Q&A calls or community support as we offer inside our program, The Online Business Automator. In this case, you’ll want to calculate the total amount of time you spend delivering each month and run projections on an annual and monthly basis.


self-study course

  • Monthly 90-minute Q&A Call (18 hours total over one year)
  • Customer Support Emails 1 hour per month (12 hours total over one year)
  • Managing the online community 2 hours per month (24 hours total over one year)

Total hours spent in client delivery over the course of a year: 52 hours (OR ~4.5 hours per month)

Because a self-study course does not have a cap on the number of clients you can enroll at any time, your earning potential is essentially limitless and allow you to spend the majority of your time marketing the course to continue generating revenue year-round. For the sake of putting numbers to paper, let’s say the self-study course is a total of $500 per unit sold and you have the goal of generating a similar amount of revenue each month and each year as you did in your private coaching or in your group model.

This means, in order to generate the average $3,334 per month made from your private clients, you’d need to be selling at least 6-7 units each month. Alternatively, if you wanted to generate $10,000 per month in course sales, you’d need to sell upwards of 20 units per month.

Because your hourly rate is based on the total number of sales you generate each month and each year, your main priority when running a self-study course business model is pouring all of your energy into the marketing efforts of that course.


The biggest mistake we see in the industry today is scaling businesses purely for the sake of scaling without taking into consideration the impact that such growth will have on one’s life, health, and mental/emotional wellbeing. Before considering the idea of scaling your business, we want to start asking a few important questions to understand what the “scale” actually is for the growth the business can handle to be managed within your existing life.

Core Questions For Contemplation

  1. What are you running the business for? i.e. what’s the purpose of having the business?
  2. How do you really want to be spending your time on a day-to-day basis?
  3. How much time do you really want to be spending working in and on the business on a weekly and monthly basis?
  4. What specific tasks do you love doing inside your business?
  5. What tasks do you not want to be doing inside your business?
  6. How much revenue do you want to be generating to sustain a comfortable life for yourself and your family?

Instead of picking a business model just to scale it, we want to sit with these questions to unpack the kind of business that makes the most sense for YOU right now.

For instance, if you only want to be focused on client delivery and love working direct with clients, a self-study course may not be the best approach as you’ll be required to spend the majority of your time marketing instead of doing what you enjoy, i.e. working with clients.

If you only have a certain amount of hours available each week because you’re the primary care taker, have health issues, or whatever other reason, it’s imperative to take this into consideration in building out the structure of your business so you’re not burning yourself out chasing your tail to no end.

When your client delivery has been established, you have the freedom to start focusing energy and effort on the marketing and sales of the business, which, if you’re an online entrepreneur, is the core of your job.


Finally, the core of most entrepreneurial pivots, shifts, and changes in business tends to derive from our insatiable need for change and evolution which can be the Achilles heel of powerful personal brands that want to have a major impact while simultaneously looking to the business you’ve built to be the main source of how you get all your needs met.

I’ve shared a lot about the impact of making your business the main thing in your life, but want to reiterate this imperative lesson here again because it’s crucial for folks seeking to scale sustainable brands and businesses that aren’t constantly on the peak of collapse or burnout.

Your business is built for one purpose, to generate revenue.

HOW it generates revenue is a matter of your business model.

Your business is not responsible for meeting all your needs which is why it’s essential for you to have a healthy relationship to your business AND a quality life that exists separate from your business where you can truly unplug and exist in a way that has nothing to do with your business.

The ability to run a business doing work you truly enjoy and pay yourself a generous salary while being able to have a quiet and private life offline is the real goal.

– Sophie Kessner

Most folks start businesses because they want to escape the 9-5 grind of a day job but are often quickly fooled by the amount of time, energy, money, and unpredictability that comes with the risky venture of building your online brand. If we’re not careful or intentional about how we’re building what we’re building, we can easily fall into traps of overworking where are business becomes all consuming and we no longer know ourselves outside of the business.

For some folks, this works.

For me, and likely for those who’ve read along this far, this isn’t the business you’ve dreamt of.

So while it’s crucial to dedicate the time, energy, and money required to get your business off the ground, its even more important for you to build the business in way that’s going to be sustainable for an extended period of time.

This means you can sustain that same level of energy, commitment, and time for years on end without jeopardizing your personal well-being, health, or finances.

Episode Keywords:

Financial Literacy, Business Models, Equitable Salary, Marketing, Selling, Business Expenses, Launch Model, Profit Margin, Evergreen Offer, Codependency, Diversity, Boundaries, Scaling, Evolution, Growth, Consistency, Journaling, Contemplation

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Hey I’m Soph! I’m a mama and online digital marketer who’s been in the game since 2015. I LOVE building businesses that support creating real time freedom which is why I choose to specialize in email marketing, blogging and podcasting and teach others to do the same.

Mel and Soph B Roll laughing on couch

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I'm Sophie Kessner
Business Models

First generation Mexican American mama that’s gone from hood to strategic hustle. I’ve spent the last 10+ years inside the personal development space supporting 100’s of coaches in scaling 6 figure businesses online & supported 4 different companies in surpassing the 7 figure mark. Today, I focus on making scaling more sustainable by integrating the lenses of business, systems, automation and CEO Development through an Equity centered and Trauma informed lens.

Ready To Automate Your Online Business?

Learn more about our signature course, Online Business Automator, to start streamlining your business backend and scaling through SEO Marketing today.

Binge Our New Podcast!
Things I Love

Tired of paying for a million different subscriptions? I got you covered! Check the link sis.

Ready to get serious about becoming trauma informed in your business? Get started here!

It’s time to stop relying on sticky notes for project management- Join the ClickUP Gang!

Find what you need, when you need it.
More About Soph

Sophie is the founder of The Sacred CEO™ Agency and has been in the service based coaching industry since 2015. She’s created and scaled 4 different multi 6 figure coaching programs including their latest course, The Online Business Automator.

Soph has also founded her SaaS business called ScaleUP where she work with her clients and building custom backend systems and a high quality template shop with Brand and Web Design expert, Mel Judson.

You can find Soph snuggling up with her son on the couch, spending weekends at Trauma retreats or dancing her heart out at the next EDM Festival.

Grow Your Online Business Beyond The Feed in 2023 and Beyond


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